Market Find: 2022 Audi exclusive Suzuka Grey RS 5 sportback
What: 2022 Audi RS 5 sportback
Color: Audi exclusive Suzuka Grey Pearl Effect (suzukagrau; pearl effect; LY7F / M1 ; Audi)
Mileage: 22,421 miles
Price at Time of this Writing: $65,999
CarFax: Link
Window Sticker: N/A
Location: Audi San Diego, CA
Dealer listing: Link

Why we love it:
Within the Tailored Driver spectrum, it’s difficult to get more subtle than Audi’s Suzuka Grey. Pearl off-white in the right light and simply basic white in others, the color blends into the parking lot masses more than you’d expect. In fact, it’s so subtle that it’s nearly impossible to accurately capture in photos, making it somewhat of a hard sell when time comes to spend $3,500 on Tailored paint through Audi exclusive. Fortunately for the original Tailor of this RS 5 sportback, California has the right lighting conditions about two-thirds of the year, making the selection quite an astute one.
