Guntherwerks Teases Updated Drawing of E30 M3 Remaster Project, Adding “Incignia” Name.

It’s not like the folks at 993-era Porsche 911 remasterers Guntherwerks dont’ have enough on their plate. Their restored and upgraded take on the 993 has definitely established a large following in the world of commissioned and upgraded 911 builds, though they’ve been playing with the idea of expanding on that for a while.

A quick check on our part shows the earliest we find them talking about it is a social media teaser on Facebook back in July of 2019. Maybe they were bored and killing time during the pandemic.

Fast forward to August of 2023 and a full car image was reportedly shared by Guntherwerks on Instagram and circulated amongst the press. It included some styling changes from the 2019 rendering, but it looked like a full car and suggested they hadn’t forgotten about the project.

That was 2023, then… just today, something caught our eye in our stories. It seems Gutherwerks has shared another image, this time a drawing showing a further evolved design and a name “INCIGNIA” with the tag-line “BMW E30 M3 Remastered and Reborn by Gunther Werks”.

We look forward to sharing more information when it becomes available.

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