Color Check: Porsche Pure White on New 911 GT3 Weissach Package

Following Porsche’s premiere of the new 911 GT3 and GT3 Touring, Porsche dropped a new round of marketing shots on their social media feed. In the case of the GT3 (non-touring), it’s the same specification Pure White (purweiß; nonmetallic UNI; Z99; Porsche) exterior color with Weissach Package.

While we’ve run the entire mix of PR photos available so far, we also wanted to include these marketing shots. They show some other angles and details that haven’t been seen before.

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Color Focus: Porsche Oak Green Metallic Neo – M6E

A modern reformulation of a classic color, Oak Green Metallic Neo (oakgrünneo; metallic; M6E; Porsche) harks Porsche’s Oak Green Metallic of the 80s and 90s that was offered in that period as a standard though remained rare. Today’s reformulation, thus the “Neo” in Porsche parlance, appears to be close but not exact. It was a standard launch color for the Porsche Macan Electric and the launch photo spec for the 992.2 GT3 Touring, so not widely seen in person at the time of this writing. Those familiar with the original who have seen it in person report it has a bit less gold tones and metallic flake than the original.
