Market Find: Ad Personam Marrone Eklipsis Lamborghini LP 750-4 SV

They say that generational wealth lasts just two generations 70% of the time, and if you’re able to beat that, 90% of the time by generation three the last dollar will be gone. So by that metric, coughing up $729,900 for this Tailored Driver could be considered an incredibly exciting way to save your descendants from falling victim to that unfortunate statistic.

Found on offer at Ilusso in Costa Mesa, California, this Ad Personam Marrone Eklipsis Lamborghini LP 750-4 SV (VIN: ZHWUT3ZDXHLA05856) is quite simply a poster car that will look right at home on the walls of your children and grandkids. A far cry from the bright oranges and greens that are quintessentially Lamborghini, Marrone Eklipsis (Latin for Brown Eclipse) is a sure fire way to stand out from all those other Aventadors at your local haunt.

Get all the details about this Tailored Driver on Ilusso’s website, here.

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