Singer Shares Austin Commission in Aubergine

This week on Singer’s social media channels, the California-based re-imagineer of Porsche 911s shared photos of the Austin Commission. The car is one of their so-called Classic builds and it’s painted “Aubergine” that appears to be one in the same as the classic dark purple hue more common on Porsches of the late 1960s and 1970s.

Singer shares that, in addition to paint-to-sample Aubergine, the owner also specified electrically adjustable touring seats trimmed in Platero and featuring an asymmetric leather weave design. To our eye, their off-center striping seems to hark the striped seats of the 991.2 GT3 interior, though in a distinctly more classic Singer way.

Check out more on the Austin Commission plus the social media post with these photos HERE.

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Color Focus: Porsche Oak Green Metallic Neo – M6E

A modern reformulation of a classic color, Oak Green Metallic Neo (oakgrünneo; metallic; M6E; Porsche) harks Porsche’s Oak Green Metallic of the 80s and 90s that was offered in that period as a standard though remained rare. Today’s reformulation, thus the “Neo” in Porsche parlance, appears to be close but not exact. It was a standard launch color for the Porsche Macan Electric and the launch photo spec for the 992.2 GT3 Touring, so not widely seen in person at the time of this writing. Those familiar with the original who have seen it in person report it has a bit less gold tones and metallic flake than the original.
